Physical attendees: Arne Elofsson, Lukas Käll, Lars Arvestad, Bengt Persson, Samuel Flores.
Virtual attendees: Mauno Vihinen, Björn Wallner, Jonathan Esguerra
- Of the 21 students offered admission, 17 have accepted already. We believe it likely that most of the others will also accept.
- The first course to run will be Lars Arvestad’s. Decided to run June 12-16. Potential conference conflicts were noted but dismissed.
- Noted that students in the forskarskola are required to have a laptop. Students shall install linux e.g. dual boot prior to first day of class.
- Regarding annual workshop : will aim for an isolated location; several were discussed. Decided to do it week of 21-25 august, for 1-2 nights. Planning on 40 participants.
- Some time should be set aside for student-mentor meetings and issues. Supervisors required to attend workshop. So far, only 3 potential supervisors have responded.
- Discussed possible guest speakers. Decided local speakers would be better, as the audience is small and national networking is important.
- Considered finding a speaker to talk about how to make a success of being a PhD student. Also, someone to talk about data management skills.
Next forskarskola meeting will be at the annual workshop in august.