Dear Students and Faculty,
It is with great pleasure that I begin work today. There will be a lot for me to catch up on, but right off allow me to say that I am here for you. If you are a student, my job is to get you the best research training possible within Medical Bioinformatics. If you are faculty, my job is to help you run your course in the most effective way possible. I will also be in charge of administration for the Research School. It is not clear yet what my final office address will be but if you come to 6th floor SciLifeLab alpha, Arne’s group members will direct you to where I am. You can email me at , or call my cell phone at 0706000464.
Med vänliga hälsingar
Samuel Coulbourn Flores, Docent
Studierektor för den nationella forskarskolan inom medicinsk bioinformatik