Application deadline is 28 February 2018!

To all current and prospective 1st year PhD students in Bioinformatics,

You are invited to apply to MedBioInfo, the National Graduate School in Medical Bioinformatics, established to provide advanced training in bioinformatics to the next generation of world-class life-science researchers. Our 36 affiliated faculty members include most of the leading bioinformaticians in Sweden, and we also draw on the faculty of NORBIS, our Norwegian sister school. Alongside your peers, this will form a key part of your future scientific network. Our courses are short (1-2 weeks), and offered 2-3 times per year, totalling about 30 HP over the course of 3 years. The courses are more specialised than can be provided by your home university. You will be matched with a faculty mentor, providing a perspective and advice complementary to that of your advisor. We also have an annual meeting where you will attend faculty talks and soft-skills workshops (this year featuring scientific graphics and data management, law, and ethics), present your research, network, and get feedback. You will be granted a yearly travel budget. Best of all, this should be fun.

You are eligible to apply if you began or will begin your PhD between January 2017 and April 2018, though there is some flexibility in this. Target groups include PhD students in Life Science doing primarily computational research.

The deadline is February 28, 2018. Enrollment is limited to 20 incoming students per year. You should sign up using this form, also linked to from Feel free to email me with any questions. We look forward to reading your application.

With kind regards,



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